Learn the Rules

Take your lego to the next level

To learn how to play LEGO Construct & Command, we've created an Instruction Manual as well as a Medieval Era Equipment Sheet. We highly recommend reading the instructions before trying to the play the game. Once you've read the instructions, download the Medieval Era Equipment Sheet to know how much each item costs and what it does!

(we recommend learning the fundamentals in the Medieval Era and progressing through the eras as you become a LEGO Construct & Command Master!)

A good place to start

Build your army, equip your army, command your army

The Basics: Combat in LEGO Construct & Command is determined by the roll of die. An attacking player will roll their die in an attempt to roll higher than the defending player. If the attacker’s unit provides enough bonus and dice to exceed the roll of the defender’s roll, plus any applicable bonuses, the defending unit is removed from the board. If the attacker’s roll ties or is beaten by the defender’s roll, the defending unit remains standing. Ranged weapons must first pass an “accuracy” roll, using a d20 die in order to hit their targets.