The Different Eras

LEGO Construct & Command throughout the Ages

In order to play LEGO Construct & Command, you of course need to know what each piece of equipment does and how much everything costs! For this, we've created 3 equipment sheets for the different eras: Medieval, Gunpowder, and Space, all of which you can find below.

Each era has its own unique feel and specializations, so be sure to try them all out of and find your favorite! The grand vision of LEGO Construct & Command is to have a unified rule set that allows for balanced matches between any era of LEGO.

Medieval Era

Click on the image to view the Medieval Era v1.1 pdf!

Rally the banners

unsheathe your swords!

Medieval Era places a special emphasis on melee weapons and tactical formations! Will you create an impenetrable phalanx? Can a hoard of charging ax-wielding minifigures break the lines? Only you and the dice can decide! Swords, spears, and battle-axes come in two tiers of weapons, leading you to decide if you want to field a large army of broadsword-wielding units or a smaller group of well-armed knights, able to dish out as much as they're able to take. Defend the line with a wall of shields, shower the enemy with arrows and cross-bow bolts, Medieval Era is a LEGO Construct & Command classic!

Gunpowder Era

Reload the muskets

hold the line!

Gunpowder Era changes the focus from defensive-favored melee-based combat to offensive-favored ranged combat. From the flintlock pistol to the accurate rifle, your units will be dishing out barrages of bullets, as well as taking cover from enemy fire. Cover and shielding your units from enemy fire can easily decide the fate of the battle in the Gunpowder Era, so be sure to build and play on different maps. Just be careful of the first appearance of lobed explosives, which can easily bypass and destroy your units' cover!

Click on the image to view the Gunpowder Era pdf!

Space era

Click on the image to view the Space Era pdf! (beta)

The future is now

anything is possible

Space Era takes the tactics of Medieval Era and Gunpowder Era and combines them with completely new abilities for completely chaotic battle! Ranged weapons are immensely powerful, from the blaster to the devastating laser cannon, but do not underestimate the power of the laser sword or the potential in a row of energy shields forming a space phalanx. That is unless, you have a infiltrating cloaked units or a squadron of flying commandos with jetpacks. Of course, even the best plans can be changed in an instant with a well-placed orbital strike or well-timed EMP. And we haven't even mentioned the ability to build instant fortresses with nanobots or the weapon mod expansion for Space Era! Successfully commanding Space Era units will take mastery of LEGO Construct & Command, but has infinite strategies and counters!